... "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller
Award-Winning Design


For the creation of CDA G. Interiors Limited’s (CDAG) corporate identity and logo, CDAG contracted Valdez & Torry International to design its letterhead, envelope and employee calling cards. An unplanned collaboration ensued when Louison was not quite satisfied with VTI’s design suggestions.

Linda A. Louison designed much of the chameleon and coloured the logo by hand which was then refined back and forth between the two companies. The resulting letterhead and logo won two graphic design awards after VTI requested permission to enter the design into the 2007 Advertising Agencies Association of Trinidad & Tobago (AAATT) Creative Excellence Awards.

… “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

2007 AAATT Creative Excellence Awards:-

  • Corporate/Institutional – Below the line CDAG stationery
  • Design – CDAG Logo


Valdez & Torry International
Valdez & Torry International Ltd.
Linda Louison
Principal | Chief Architect & Designer


Linda A. Louison Design Input:

  • Chameleon
  • Target cross hairs on the chameleon’s feet
  • Colour spectrum of the chameleon

VTI’s Design Input:

  • Continuation of the cross-hair pattern and placement on the letterhead, envelopes and calling cards
  • Choice of type font
  • Placement of chameleon in relation to its type font part of the logo and on paper
  • Choice of paper and card stock

Design participation of both parties:

Linda A. Louison
Valdez & Torry International